The Best Materials For Plumbing Pipes
The Best Materials For Plumbing Pipes – Plumbing has come a long way since the days of steel pipes. Today, many different materials are used when renovating your home’s plumbing to create an efficient drainage system. Five types of pipe materials, PEX, PVC, ABS, copper, and galvanized are commonly found in homes these days, both in old homes and new construction. But not every pipe is suitable for every application, and not all types are up to code. In this article, we will cover the types of plumbing pipes used in homes and discuss the pros and cons of each.
PEX, or cross-linked polyethylene, is one of the newest and most popular pipes to hit the plumbing market. Considered by plumbers to be cheap plastic tubing, it’s the easiest to install in water supply lines because it can weave through walls, ceilings, basements, and crawl spaces. Compared to other plumbing … Read the rest